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. 2011 Jan;20(1):85–90. doi: 10.1089/jwh.2009.1919

Table 2.

Association of Cervical Cancer Prevention Knowledge and Awareness of Human Papillomavirus and Human Papillomavirus Vaccine with Intention to Accept Vaccination

Questiona Total (n = 632) n (%) correct Would accept (n = 576) n (%) correct Would not accept (n = 56) n (%) correct p value total correct vs. total incorrectChi-square or Fisher exact test
What is the purpose of the Pap smear?       0.24
  Detect cervical, vaginal, uterine cancer 125 (20) 115 (20) 10 (18)  
  Detect cancer and infection 113 (18) 104 (18) 9 (16)  
  Detect cancer only 157 (25) 145 (25) 12 (21)  
  Detect infection only 48 (8) 43 (7) 5 (9)  
  General health maintenanceb 159 (25) 145 (25) 14 (25)  
  Unsure 30 (5) 24 (4) 6 (11)  
Why does cervical cancer develop?       0.05
  Infection 25 (4) 25 (4) 0  
  Sexual activityc 47 (7) 45 (8) 2 (4)  
  Not taking care of oneselfd 29 (5) 29 (5) 0  
  Unsure 531 (84) 477 (83) 54 (96)  
Can cervical cancer be prevented?       0.01
  Yes 537 (85) 496 (86) 41 (73)  
  No 20 (3) 17 (3) 3 (5)  
  Unsure 75 (12) 63 (11) 12 (21)  
How can cervical cancer be prevented?e
  Medical treatment 117 (22) 110 (22) 7 (17) 0.75
  Monogamy/abstinence/condoms 75 (14) 67 (14) 8 (20)  
  Pap smears 220 (41) 207 (42) 13 (32)  
  Taking care of oneselff 60 (11) 56 (11) 4 (10)  
Unsure 65 (12) 56 (11) 9 (22)  
Have you heard of HPV?g (Yes) 55 (23) 53 (24) 2 (11) 0.25
Have you heard of a vaccine against cervical cancer? (Yes) 82 (13) 74 (13) 8 (15) 0.75

Percentages relate to total number of responses for each variable and may not reflect total number.


Answers included such statements as A saber como está adentro (To know how you are inside) and detectar muchas cosas (to find many things).


Answers included such statements as muchas parejas (many sexual partners), de relaciones sexuales (from sexual relations), and del esposo (from the husband).


Answers included such statements as falta de hygiene (lack of hygiene) and por no visitar al médico (not going to the doctor).


This question was asked only to participants who believed cervical cancer was preventable.


Answers included such statements as aseo (hygiene) and protegiendose (protecting yourself).


This question was added approximately 8 months into the study period. Patients who had heard of HPV or vaccination stated that ads were running on radio and television.