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. 2010 Dec;31(12):E1894–E1915. doi: 10.1002/humu.21367

Table 1.

Clinical, instrumental and molecular data encountered in 30 unrelated GLD patients

Neurological findings Neuroradiologic findings
Pt no. Sex Age at onset Symptoms at onset Age at exam Spastidty/ Other signs MRI findings (WM changes) CT scan findings (Calcification/WM changes) NCVs Sibling♣ GALC enzymatic activity § (% normal) GALCGenotype**
1 F 1m Failure to thrive 7m +/ Truncal hypotonia + ND Slowed 4.4 [c.1161+6532_polyA+9kbdel]+[?]

2 F 3m Psychomotor regression 5m +/ Truncal hypotonia + (Hypomyel) ND Slowed 8.2 [p.L469YfsX22]+[p.L469YfsX22]#

3 M 3m Muscular hypertonia 6m +/Nystagmus + +/ + ND 0.3 [ p.G553R]+[p.G553R]#

4 M 3m Irritability, muscular hypertonia 5m +/Truncal hypotonia + ND ND 14.7 [p.S303F]+[p.G553R]

5 M 3m Muscular hypertonia. seizures 6m +/ Truncal hypotonia ND +/ + ND yes 18.5 [p.E136EfsX35]+[p.E136EfsX35]

6 F 3m Irritability, psychomotor regression 7m +/ Truncal hypotonia + ND Slowed 21.7 [p.K359AfsX3]+[p.Y567S

7 F 3m Nystagmus, psychomotor regression 6m +/Truncal hypotonia, poor tendon reflexes + ND Slowed 3.2 [ p.Y174LfsX3]+[c.1161+6532_polyA+9kbdel]

8 M 4m Irritability, muscular hypertonia 6m +/Nystagmus + ND Slowed yes 0 [p.E130K]+[p.N295T]#

9 M 4m Muscular hypertonia 6m +/Truncal hypotonia, poor tendon reflexes ND +/ + ND 11.1 [p.H391 IfsX65]+[p.H391 IfsX65]

10 M 4m Muscular hypertonia 8m +/ Truncal hypotonia ND -/ + ND yes 5 [p.T529M]+[c.1161+6532_ polyA+9kbdel]

11 F 4m Muscular hypertonia 6m +/ Truncal hypotonia + (Hypomyel) ND Slowed 8.4 [p.A21RfsX5]+[p.G553R]

12 F 4m Irritability, muscular hypertonia 5m +/ Truncal hypotonia + (Hypomyel) +/ + ND yes 0 [p.Y314C]+[c.1161+6532_polyA+9kbdel]#

13 M 5m Psychomotor regression 6m +/Truncal hypotonia + ND ND yes 0 [ p.F596SfsX1 6] +[p.F596SfsX1 6]#

14 F 5m Psychomotor regression, seizures 7m +/ Truncal hypotonia + (Hypomyel) ND Slowed 0 [p.G553R]+[p.G553R]

15 F 5m Irritability, muscular hypertonia 7m +/ Truncal hypotonia + (Hypomyel) +/ + ND 0 [p.N295T]+[c.1161+6532_polyA+9kbdel]

16 F 5m Psychomotor regression 7m +/ Truncal hypotonia ND ND ND 8.3 [p.R127X]+[p.G553R]##

17 F 5m Muscular hypertonia 10m +/ Truncal hypotonia ND ND ND 4.8 [p.K88X]+[p.Y490N]#

18 M 5m Psychomotor regression 9m +/ Truncal hypotonia + +/ + ND 8.8 [p.R396L]+[c.1161+6532_ polyA+9kbdel]

19 M 5m Psychomotor regression 8m +/ Truncal hypotonia + ND ND yes 18.2 [p.G553R]+[p.G553R]#

20 M 5m Muscular hypertonia 7m +/ Truncal hypotonia + ND ND yes 9.7 [p.L634X]+[c.1489+1G>A]

21 F 5m Psychomotor regression 8m +/ Truncal hypotonia + ND ND yes 0.71 [p.E130K]+[p.Y490N]

22 M 8m Psychomotor regression 11m +/ Truncal hypotonia + -/ + ND yes 13.2 [p.G102GfsX5]+[?]

23 M 8m Psychomotor regression 11m +/ Truncal hypotonia ND -/ + ND yes 0.26 [p.D187V]+[p.G323R]

24 F 10m Psychomotor regression 12m +/ Truncal hypotonia + -/ + Slowed yes 0 [p.G59R]+[?]#

25 M 11m Irritability, muscular hypertonia 13m +/ Truncal hypotonia ND -/ + Slowed 10.1 [p.I250T]+[p.R396W]

26 F 3y6m Gait disturbances and frequent falls 4y +/Ataxia, poortendon reflexes + ND Slowed 5 [ p.G286D]+[c. 1161 +6532_ polyA+9kbdel]#

27 F 3y6m Gait disturbances and frequent falls 3y8m +/Ataxia + -/ + Normal NA [p.R69X]+[p.I384T]

28 M 4y Gait disturbances and frequent falls 4y +/Nystagmus ND ND Slowed 13 [p.N295T]+[p.G609GfsX6]

29 F 4y yReduced visual acuity 5y9m +/- + -/ + Normal yes 0 [p.R79H]+[p.G553R]

30 M 26y Gait disturbances and frequent falls 30y +/- + ND Slowed 5 [p.G286D]+[p.P318R]

Legend: Pt=Patient; m= month(s); y=year(s); #Genotype confirmation by parental DNAanalysis; ## only mother's DNAavailable; ND: Not Done; N=Normal; NA: Not Available **GenBank-EMBLaccession no. NM_000153.2 and no. NP_000144.2; Hypomyel= hypomyel inat ion; MRI= Magnetic resonance imaging, WM=white matter; CT= Computed tomography; NCVs= nerve conduction velocity study; ♣ indicates presence of other affected patients in the family; §Owingto the use of different assay met hodsand tissue samples, as reported intheMaterialsand Methods, enzyme act ivity valuesare expressed asa percentage of average control values.