Number of polyhedra with ODVs, number of ODVs per polyhedron and number of nucleocapsids per area outside the polyhedra produced by WT AcMNPV- and Ac-FPm-infected Sf-21 cells at passages 5 and 10. (a) The number of polyhedra per cell section and the proportion of polyhedra with ODVs was greater in Ac-FPm-infected cells than in WT AcMNPV-infected cells at passage 5 (n=12 cell sections evaluated for each passage). (b) The number of ODVs per polyhedron was higher in Ac-FPm-infected cells than in WT AcMNPV-infected cells at passages 5 and 10. Results are shown as means±95% CL. *, P<0.05 (Student's t-test, n=10 cross-sections of polyhedra with ODVs for each passage). (c) The nuclei of Ac-FPm-infected cells contained more nucleocapsids and ODVs outside the empty polyhedra than WT AcMNPV-infected cells at passage 10. Results are shown as means±95% CL. *, P<0.05 (Student's t-test, n=15 cross-sections of empty polyhedra for each passage).