Figure 3.
IDE is important for lifespan. (A) Flies in which IDE was knocked down in IPCs with the dilp2-Gal4 driver (dilp2G4/IDERNAi, n = 381) had 18% lower median lifespan compared to control flies carrying the driver alone (dilp2G4/+, n = 383). Results are shown for female flies cultured at 29°C to enhance knockdown efficiency. Similar results were obtained with male flies. (B) Flies in which Drosophila IDE was overexpressed in IPCs with the dilp2-Gal4 driver (dilp2G4/dIDE, n = 328) had 14% greater median lifespan compared to control flies carrying the driver alone (dilp2G4/+, n = 288). Results are shown for female flies cultured at 25°C. (C) Flies in which human IDE was overexpressed in IPCs with the dilp2-Gal4 driver (dilp2G4/hIDE, n = 374) had 18% greater median lifespan compared to control flies carrying the driver alone (dilp2G4/+, n = 344). Results are shown for female flies cultured at 25°C.