Projection of nerve bundles toward the presumptive cornea at E13.5. (A–C) Showing projection of nerve bundles from the DN, VN, and VT quadrants toward the presumptive cornea. Some nerve bundles innervate the cornea periphery (asterisks). Innervation of the DT quadrant ranges from (A) none, (B) slight (arrow), compared to other quadrants, and (C) moderate (arrow), compared to other quadrants. (D) Cross-section of an immunostained E13.5 eye counterstained with DAPI showing that presumptive cornea nerves project along the optic cup (arrowheads) toward the anterior region of the eye. (E) Close up of the boxed area in D showing innervation of the mid-stromal region (asterisk) of the presumptive cornea. (F) Quantification of innervated quadrants at E13.5. DN, dorsal-nasal; VN, ventral-nasal; VT, ventral-temporal; DT, dorsal-temporal; oc, optic cup; pc, presumptive cornea. Scale bars: (A–D), 100 μm; (E) 50 μm.