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. 2011 Mar 10;6(3):e17302. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0017302

Table 2. Characteristics of specialists (of Internal medicine and Surgery) and general practitioners (GPs) participating in the questionnaire survey.

Internists Surgeons GPs
Number of participating physicians (N) 42 31 47
Mean age (years) 47 51 50
Gender (% male) 71 93 67
Mean years since registration as Specialist (MSRC registration)a 14,9 18,3
Work setting (%):
University hospital 14,3 26,7
Non-university Teaching hospital 64,3 33,3
General Non-teaching hospital 21,4 40,0
Solo practice 30,4
Group practiceb 63,0
Health center 6,5
Mean number of patients serviced by GP practice 2891

MSRC = Medical Specialists Registration Committee.


Group practice includes ‘duo-practices’ and ‘HOED-practices’ (Huisartsen Onder Één Dak; a number of GPs working independently in the same building).