(A) Dox-treated 293TetER, EREV8, and ERKV cells cultured for 24 and 48 h were subjected to flow cytometry analysis to quantify the cellular DNA content. The distributions of cells residing in the G2/M, S, G1, and subG1 stages at each time are shown. The results of three independent experiments were similar, and one representative dataset is shown. (B) Comparative expression kinetics (0–48 h) of cell cycle regulators or viral immediate-early proteins in Dox treated 293TetER, EREV8 and ERKV cells. Down-regulation of cell cycle activators (c-Myc, CDK6, CCND2, phosphorylated pRb) and up-regulation of cell cycle inhibitors (p21, 14-3-3σ) are temporally associated with the expression of Rta in all three cell lines. In comparison, EBV BZLF1 and KSHV K-RTA are not significantly augmented until 48 h, a time that alterations of cell cycle gene are nearly completed. α-tubulin served as a loading control.