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. 2001 Mar 31;322(7289):763. doi: 10.1136/bmj.322.7289.763

Table 1.

Summary of studies that compared effects of exercise with “no treatment”

Study Where published   Participants
Main outcome results at end of study (95% CI) Study quality
No Type Mean (range or SD) age % female Type* Duration (No of weeks) Conceal- ment Intention to treat Blinded
Singh et al, 199774 Peer reviewed journal, US 32 Volunteers from two community registers of people interested in research 70 (61-88) 63 1. Non-aerobic exercise: progressive resistance training 3 times a week. 2. Control: seminars on health of elderly people twice a week. Depression not discussed in either group. 10 Mean difference in BDI between exercise and control groups −4.0 (−10.1 to 2.1) Yes Yes No
McNeil et al, 199177 Peer reviewed journal, Canada 30 Non-clinically depressed elderly people referred by religious and community organisations 72.5 N/A 1. Exercise: walking near home (accompanied by experimenter) 3 times a week for 20-40 minutes. 2. Control: 1 home visit by psychology student, for “chat,” twice a week. 3. Waiting list control group. 6 Mean difference in BDI between exercise and waiting list control groups −3.6 (−6.6 to −0.6); no significant difference between exercise and social contact groups No No No
Mutrie, 198878 Conference abstract, UK 36 Patients referred by general practitioners in Glasgow 42.1 83 1. Supervised aerobic exercise: 3 sessions of 20 minutes per week. 2. Supervised non-aerobic exercise: 3 sessions of 20 minutes per week. 3. Waiting list control group. 4 Mean difference in BDI between aerobic exercise and control groups −11.9 (−16.7 to −7.1); no significant difference between non-aerobic exercise and control groups No No No
Doyne et al, 198779 Peer reviewed journal, US 57 Volunteers from community, recruited through media 28.5 (4.36) 100 1. Aerobic exercise: supervised running or walking 4 times a week. 2. Supervised strength group: programme 4 times a week. 3. Waiting list control group. 8 Mean difference in BDI between aerobic exercise and waiting list control groups −7.1 (−12.3 to −1.9) No No No
Epstein, 198681 Doctoral dissertation, US 33 Volunteers from community, recruited through media 39.4 (24-60) 92 1. Group running or walking for 30 minutes 3-5 times a week. 2. Cognitive therapy: 1 session of 1.5 hours per week. 3. Waiting list control group. 8 Mean difference in BDI between exercise and control groups −7.3 (−16.6 to 2.0). No No No
Martinsen et al, 198582 Peer reviewed journal, Norway 49 Psychiatric inpatients 40 (17-60) N/A 1. Aerobic exercise with instructor for 1 hour, 3 times a week. 2. Control group attended occupational therapy while intervention group exercised. 9 Mean difference in BDI between exercise and control groups −10.7 (−16.6 to −4.9) Yes No No
Veale et al, 199275 Peer reviewed journal, UK 83 Psychiatric outpatients or patients at day hospital 35.5 (19-58) 64 1. Group running 3 times a week, plus routine care. 2. Control group: routine care only. 12 Mean difference in BDI between exercise and control group −3.9 (−7.5 to −0.2) Yes No No
Klein et al, 198584 Peer reviewed journal, US 74 Volunteers from community, recruited through media 30.1 (6.72) 72 1. Supervised running twice weekly. 2. Control group: meditation for 1 hour twice weekly. 3. Group cognitive therapy for 2 hours once a week. 12 At 12 weeks: mean difference in symptom checklist score between exercise and control groups 0.2 (−2.3 to 2.7). At 9 months follow up: mean difference in symptom checklist between exercise and control groups 0.04 (−1.96 to 2.04) No No No
McCann and Holmes, 198485 Peer reviewed journal, US 47 Female undergraduate psychology students with BDI ⩾11 (participation in research required as part of the course) N/A 100 1. Aerobic exercise: group running, jogging, or dancing for 1 hour twice weekly. 2. Placebo: progressive muscle relaxation for 15-20 minutes 4 times a week. 3. Waiting list control group. 10 Only graphical results presented in paper; these showed a benefit of exercise over both placebo and control groups (authors were unable to provide data) No No No
Reuter et al, 198486 Conference abstract, US 18 University students presenting to mental health clinic with depression N/A N/A 1. Counselling plus supervised running for at least 20 minutes, 3 times a week. 2. Control group: counselling only. 10 Mean difference in BDI at 8 weeks between exercise and control groups −13.46 (−19.4 to −7.5) No No No
Hess-Homeier, 198187 Doctoral dissertation, US 20 Volunteers from community N/A N/A 1. Running or walking with instructor for 30 minutes 4 times a week. 2. Cognitive therapy: 1 session of 1 hour and 2 of half an hour per week. 3. Waiting list control group. 8 Mean difference in BDI between exercise and control groups −6.4 (−15.5 to 2.7) No No No

BDI=Beck depression inventory score. *Nos refer to groups. Except where otherwise indicated.