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. 2009 Dec 30;35(5):1109–1119. doi: 10.1038/npp.2009.216

Table 1. Population Details for Those Who Fulfilled the Inclusion Criteria for the Study (n=1188).

 Female 816 (69%)
 Male 372 (31%)
Age (mean±SEM) 33.79±0.29
Education (A levels or higher) 771 (65%)
Financial situation
 Living comfortably 672 (57%)
 Just getting by 376 (32%)
 Finding it difficult to make ends meet 140 (11%)
Personal psychiatric history
 Reported depression 630 (53%)
  Single episode 171 (14%)
  Recurrent episodes 459 (39%)
 Reported suicide attempt 181 (15%)
 Reported anxiety 338 (28%)
 Reported substance use disorder 80 (7%)
Family psychiatric history
 Reported depression in immediate blood relatives 421 (35%)
Personality scores
 BFI Neuroticism (mean±SEM; range 1–5) 3.30±0.03
 IVE Impulsiveness (mean±SEM; range 0–1) 0.36±0.01
Symptom scores
 BSI Depression (mean±SEM; range 0–4) 0.98±0.03
 BSI Anxiety (mean±SEM; range 0–4) 0.92±0.03
 Recent negative life events (mean±SEM) 1.27±0.04
 Childhood Adversity (mean±SEM) 3.54±0.10

Abbreviations: BFI, Big Five Inventory; BSI, Brief Symptom Inventory; IVE, Impulsiveness, Venturesome and Empathy Questionnaire.