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. 2009 Nov 18;35(3):727–740. doi: 10.1038/npp.2009.180

Table 2. Association of Markers in GRIK4 with Treatment Response and Remission.

GRIK4 dbSNP ID Unipolar (n=270)
Uni-/Bipolar (n=300a)
SNP information
  Genotypic Allelic Genotypic Allelic Genotypic Allelic Genotypic Allelic Alleles Protective genotype Function MAF
rs12800734 0.015 0.047 0.0043 0.087 0.0035 0.077 0.0019 NS A/G GG Intron 16 0.45
rs2276319 0.025 0.045 0.014 0.084 0.0073 0.076 0.0067 NS C/T CC Intron 16 0.45
rs1621211 0.0076 NS 0.017 NS 0.0091 NS 0.011 NS A/G AA 5′ end 0.26
rs513548 0.062 NS 0.016 NS 0.066 NS 0.011 NS T/G GG Intron 17 0.27
rs2282586 NS NS 0.014 0.097 NS NS 0.018 NS A/G GG 5′ end 0.37
rs2156633 0.0021 0.048 NS NS 0.0010 0.081 NS NS A/G GG Intron 11 0.22
rs1944522 0.013 0.088 NS NS 0.0044 NS NS NS A/G AA 5′ end 0.46
rs1954787d NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.079 NS C/T CC Intron 1 0.42
FPM (82 SNPs) 0.088 NS 0.026 NS 0.028 NS 0.029 NS        

Abbreviations: pemp, empirical p-value; NS, not significant; MAF, minor allele frequency; FPM, Fisher's product method (Fisher, 1932), gene-wise association results.


270 unipolar and 30 depressed bipolar patients.


A 50% reduction in the baseline HAM-D score after 5 weeks.


HAM-D score of <10 (21 items version) after 5 weeks.


Best GRIK4 SNP of the STAR*D study (Paddock et al, 2007).