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. 2010 Oct 6;36(2):445–458. doi: 10.1038/npp.2010.177

Table 2. Summary of Significant Experimental Effects.

Dependent variable Highest-order significant effect for each factor F df p-value
Response time
 Words Stress × Word Type 4.77 1/34 0.036
  Stress × Treatment Condition 5.79 1/34 0.022
  Response Type × Drink Group 4.35 1/34 0.044
 Non-Words Response Type × Drink Group 4.28 1/34 0.046
Response accuracy
 Words Response Type × Stress × Word Type × Drink Group 4.28 1/34 0.046
  Response Type × Stress × Word Type × Treatment Condition 6.66 1/34 0.014
 Non-Words Response Type 344.79 1/34 <0.001
Response time
 Controlling for Response Type × Stress × Word Type 6.10 1/33 0.019
 Accuracy to Wordsa Stress × Treatment Condition 5.20 1/33 0.029
 VAS (Stress,        
Desire Alcohol) Subscale × Time × Drink Group 10.57 1/30 0.003
  Stress × Time × Drink Group × Treatment Condition 5.03 1/30 0.033
  Subscale × Stress × Drink Group × Treatment Condition 8.89 1/30 0.006
Physiological effects
 Heart ratea Stress × Time × Drink Group 2.46 4/124 0.049
 Blood alcohol Time 23.93 2/32 <0.001
Procedural check
 Drink strength ratinga Intercept (grand mean > 0) 47.07 1/18 <0.001

Please see Supplementary Material and Methods at Neuropsychopharmacology website.


Analyzed by ANCOVA of Visual Analog Scale (VAS) scores for each subscale (Desire for Alcohol, Perceived Stress) at Post-Noise and Post-Drinking, controlling for session (Pre-Noise) baseline.

Stress (Present, Absent); Word Type (Alcohol, Neutral); Treatment Condition (Combined: Active Stress + Test Drink on same session; Separate: Active Stress and Test Drink on separate sessions); and Drink Group (Test Drink: Alcohol vs. Placebo Beer; P-Beer).