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. 2000 Mar 1;19(5):819–830. doi: 10.1093/emboj/19.5.819

Table II. Native data collection and refinement statistics.

  Form A Form B Form C
Space group P21 P21 P21
Unit cell dimensions a = 75.30, b = 130.18, a = 74.58, b = 171.20, a = 73.92, b = 172.63,
  c = 92.55 Å, β = 106.48° c = 80.37 Å, β = 116.49° c = 73.99 Å, β = 117.50°
Resolution range (Å) 38.0–2.1 25.0–2.8 44.0–2.0
Wavelength (Å) 1.012 1.5418 1.083
No. of unique reflections 101 445 37 393 109 778
Average multiplicity 3.1 2.5 3.9
Completeness (%) 99.1 (97.5) 85.6 (41.0) 100.0 (100.0)
<I>/σI 16.0 (2.5) 13.3 (1.9) 27.4 (7.2)
Rmerge (I> –3σI) 5.9 (38.5) 7.3 (39.8) 5.0 (19.3)
R/Rfreea 0.199/0.239 0.209/0.253 0.168/0.197
 monomer 1α 439–451, 460–863 461–865 462–870
 monomer 1β 461–865 460–864 462–866
 monomer 2α 464–865 460–866 468–871
 monomer 2β 458–864 453–865 477–872
Ligands 4 HMG, 4 CoA 4 HMG-CoA 4 HMG, 4 CoA, 4 NADP+
Waters 282   472
Other molecules 2 DTT    
No. of atoms in refinement 12 669 12 351 12 911
Deviation from ideality 0.0105/1.51 0.0157/1.62 0.0120/1.58
R.m.s.d. bonds (Å)/angles (°)      
 average protein B–factors 56.3/30.3/36.0 71.0/46.6/52.44 34.8/16.3/19.3
 N/L/S domain (Å2)b      
 average ligand B–factors (Å2) 41.6 58.6 23.0
B–factor r.m.s.d. of bonded atoms main/side chain 1.190/2.035 N/Ac 1.39/2.54

aR = (Σ∣FobsFcalc∣)/(ΣFobs), where Fobs and Fcalc are observed and calculated structure factors, respectively.

bThe three domains are indicated in Figure 1.

cB–factors were grouped for residues.