Site-specific recognition of
serine-phosphorylated residues in the C terminus of FAK by
phospho-specific antibodies raised against each site of
phosphorylation. (A) Myc-tagged wild-type FAK or FAK variants harboring
mutations at pS2 or pS3 were transfected into HeLa cells. Lysates of
transfected cells were immunoblotted with anti-myc (lanes
1-3), anti-pS2 (lanes 4-6), or anti-pS3 (lanes 7-9) to demonstrate that
mutation of the immunogenic phosphorylated serine residue abolished
epitope recognition by the phospho-specific antibodies. Similarly, in
B, FLAG-tagged FAK or FAK variants harboring mutations at pS1 or pS4
were tested with the anti-FLAG (lanes 1-3), anti-pS1 (lanes 4-6), or
anti-pS4 (lanes 7-9) antibodies. Endogenous FAK is indicated by the
open arrows, ectopically expressed FAK by the closed arrows.