Analysis of the binding of phosphorylated peptides
derived from the site I sequence to the Cas SH3 domain. (A)
Representative Western blot of peptide competition assays by using
GST-CasSH3 and wild-type His-tagged FRNK. Components were incubated in
the presence of increasing amounts (1, 10, 25, 50, or 100 μM) of each
peptide indicated. His-FRNK was detected by
immunoblotting with the mAb 2A7 followed by detection
with 125I anti-mouse IgG and densitometric analysis. (B)
Quantitation and graphical representation of PhosphorImager data with
wild-type His-FRNK with 25 or 100 μM peptide competitor. Values are
expressed as a fraction of a control reaction performed in the absence
of peptide (open bar, normalized to 1). P values were calculated using
a paired t test. Statistical differences (P <
0.05) between either the wild-type peptide or the phosphopeptide and
the control P→A peptide are indicated by an asterisk (∗) above the
appropriate bar. Statistical differences between the wild type and
phosphopeptides themselves are indicated by a double asterisk (∗∗)
above the bar representing the wild-type peptide. Data points represent
mean values from three independent experiments; error bars represent SD
from the mean.