Table III. Use of allelic replacement to study the requirement for an ssrA allele in N.gonorrhoeae.
Selective marker used in allelic replacement | Antibiotic selection marker | Recipient strain and ssrA allele(s) |
N400 (ssrANg) | C101 (ssrANg/ssrANg | C102 (ssrANg/ssrAEc)a | C103 (ssrANg::cat/ssrAEc)a | ||
m-Tncm in ssrANg (B12) | Cmr | − | + | +b | NA |
m-Tncm downstream of ssrANg (C12) | Cmr | + | + | + | NA |
knr in iga | Knr | NA | NA | + | − |
aThe ssrAEc gene is located in the iga gene.
bThese Cmr recombinant colonies appeared ∼3 days following plating, while other recombinant colonies appeared ∼1 day following plating.
(+) indicates that antibiotic-resistant recombinants were isolated.
(–) indicates that antibiotic-resistant recombinants were not isolated.
NA, not applicable.