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. 2000 Mar 1;19(5):1098–1107. doi: 10.1093/emboj/19.5.1098

Table III. Use of allelic replacement to study the requirement for an ssrA allele in N.gonorrhoeae.

Selective marker used in allelic replacement Antibiotic selection marker Recipient strain and ssrA allele(s)
    N400 (ssrANg) C101 (ssrANg/ssrANg C102 (ssrANg/ssrAEc)a C103 (ssrANg::cat/ssrAEc)a
m-Tncm in ssrANg (B12) Cmr + +b NA
m-Tncm downstream of ssrANg (C12) Cmr + + + NA
knr in iga Knr NA NA +

aThe ssrAEc gene is located in the iga gene.

bThese Cmr recombinant colonies appeared ∼3 days following plating, while other recombinant colonies appeared ∼1 day following plating.

(+) indicates that antibiotic-resistant recombinants were isolated.

(–) indicates that antibiotic-resistant recombinants were not isolated.

NA, not applicable.