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. 2011 Mar 8;124(7):1032–1042. doi: 10.1242/jcs.075168

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.

Identification of KLC1ser460 as a phosphorylation site by LC–MS/MS. (A) A schematic representation of the KLC1 structure showing the heptad repeats (green box) and the TPR domain (comprising six tandem repeats numbered 1–6). Serine 460 (S460) is located in a linker region between TPR domains 5 and 6. (B,C) Tandem MS/MS spectra of the KLC1 phosphopeptide ACKVDSPTVTTTLK fragment ion series, after collision-induced dissociation. (B shows the spectrum with transfected FLAG–KLC1 and C shows that with endogenous KLC1 isolated from rat cortical neurons). The m/z of the fragment ions is plotted against the intensity, and the detected ions of the b- and y-ion collision series are indicated. The pattern of fragment ions produced localises the phosphorylation site in both samples to serine 460. (B) The mass difference between y8 and y9 and the release of phosphoric acid from y9 (y9-H3PO4) is consistent with a phosphorylation on serine 460. [M+2H]2+ represents the peptide ion with m/z=800.9, used as the parent ion for fragmentation to produce the MS/MS spectrum; [M+2H-H3PO4]2+ indicates the neutral loss of phosphoric acid. (C) Neutral loss from b6 ([b -H3PO4]2+) but not from y1 to y8 localises the phosphorylation site to serine 460. Consecutively matched y-ions without neutral loss indicate no phosphorylation of other potential sites (threonine 462, threonine 464, threonine 465 and threonine 466). The parent ion is absent following the fragmentation. [M+3H-H2O]3+ at m/z=528.12 and [M+3H-H3PO4]3+ at m/z=501.39 represent the loss of water and the neutral loss of phosphoric acid from the parent ion, respectively.