Table 1.
Core Study Measures
This item is scored in the following manner (coding in parentheses): never (1), less than once a year (2), about once or twice a year (3), several times a year (4), about once a month (5), 2 to 3 times a month (6), nearly every week (7), every week (8), several times a week (9).
These items are scored in the following manner: strongly disagree (1), disagree (2), agree (3), strongly agree (4).
This item is scored in the following manner: never (1), once in a while (2), fairly often (3), very often (4).
This item is scored in the following manner: poor (1), fair (2), good (3), excellent (4).
This item is scored in the following manner: worse (1), about the same (2), better (3).
This item is scored in the following manner: not at all satisfied (1), somewhat satisfied (2), very satisfied (3).