Gastrointestinal toxicity of phospho-aspirin, aspirin, phospho-ibuprofen and ibuprofen. (A) Chemical structures of phospho-aspirin, phospho-ibuprofen and phospho-sulindac. (B and C) The gastrointestinal toxicity of phospho-aspirin (P-A), phospho-ibuprofen (P-I), aspirin (ASA) and ibuprofen was determined in Sprague-Dawley rats. (B) Representative photographs of small intestinal mucosa from the various groups of animals; the small intestine has been cut longitudinally and its mucosal side is viewed. Red arrows: gastrointestinal ulcers. Selected ulcers are magnified for clarity. (C) On day 5, the number and size of small intestinal ulcerations were determined and scored. Values are mean ± standard deviation.