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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2011 Jun 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2010 Jun;31(5):393–404. doi: 10.1097/DBP.0b013e3181dff307

Table 1.

Demographic, Clinical, and Diagnostic Characteristics of the Sample at Study Intake.

Variable Overall (N=163) PONI (n = 83) EUC (n = 80) Group Comparisons
Age in years 8.1 1.6 8 1.6 8.2 1.6 1.17 1, 163
Kaufmann Brief Intelligence Test 108.4 12.9 107.1 12.9 109.8 12.8 1.73 1, 162
n % n % n % χ2 df
Gender – male 106 65.0 54 65.1 52 65 0.020 163
Race – Caucasian 130 79.8 65 78.3 65 81.2 0.220 156
Marital status of adults - married 123 75.4 63 75.9 60 75.0 0.080 155
Education – at least some college 132 83.0 66 79.5 66 82.5 0.260 151
<Median ($58,000) income 75 46.0 33 39.8 42 52.5 1.890 153
ADHD children on psychoactive medication at study intake 21 21.9 14 28.6 7 15.0 2.63 96
Children who received any mental health treatment in past 6 months 65 39.9 35 42.2 30 37.5 0.370 163
Cases above 90th percentile cutoff
 PSC-17 Externalizing problems 133 81.6 12 14.5 18 22.5 1.75 163
 PSC-17 Attentional problems 115 70.6 55 66.3 60 75.0 1.50 163
 PSC-17 Internalizing problems 91 56.2 46 56.1 45 56.3 0.00 163
 SDQ-Parent Total 126 77.3 66 79.5 60 75.0 0.47 162
 Columbia Impairment Scale 117 71.8 55 66.3 62 77.5 2.54 163
Any Disruptive Behavior Disorder 148 90.8 75 90.4 73 91.3 0.04 163

PSC-17 = Pediatric Symptom Checklist-17; SDQ-P = Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire-parent version

Note. F = ANOVA; χ2 = Chi-Square test. No group comparison reached statistical significance.