Figure 6.
Fluorescence images of living cells cotransfected with ECFP–tau-3R (A), EYFP–tau-4R (B), merged image (C), and line scan analysis (D). Cells were cotransfected with 1 μg DNA of ECFP–tau-3R and 1 μg DNA of EYFP–tau-4R. Images were captured 2 days after transfection and pseudocolored. The same cell viewed with the ECFP filter (A), the EYFP filter (B), and the overlay (C) in which the blue line indicates the path of the line scan (D) performed on the overlay. The white arrows in C indicate two microtubules that correspond to the white arrows in the line scan. In the graph, the x-axis corresponds to the relative position along the line and the y-axis represents the average gray level of fluorescence intensity. Red line, the trace for four-repeat tau; yellow line, the trace for three-repeat tau. Scale bar, 10 μm.