Rapidly growing sda1-2 cells
arrest in G1 when shifted to the restrictive temperature. Wild-type and
sda1-2 cells were grown to log phase and then either
maintained at the permissive temperature (20°C) or shifted to the
restrictive temperature (37°C). (A) Cell proliferation was monitored
by measuring the O.D.600 of the culture over a period of
12 h. At the permissive temperature, wild-type (▪) and
sda1-2 cells (□) proliferate at nearly the same rates. At
the restrictive temperature, sda1-2 cells (▵) proliferate
at the same rate as wild-type (▴) for the first 6 h, but then
gradually slow down and cease growing at ∼10 h. (B) Wild-type (solid
bars) and sda1–2 cells (hatched bars) were grown to log
phase at the permissive temperature, shifted to the restrictive
temperature, and the percentage of cells with buds was monitored over a
period of 24 h. (C) Rapidly growing sda1-2 cells were
plated onto solid media at the restrictive temperature (37°C) for
15 h to determine the number of cell divisions that
sda1-2 cells undergo before arresting. (D) Nomarski images
and actin staining of wild-type and sda1-2 cells grown to
log phase at the permissive temperature, or 15 h after shifting
rapidly growing cells from the permissive temperature to the
restrictive temperature.