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. 2010 Dec 17;286(8):6832–6843. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M110.183772



No involvement of PA binding to the PH domain in the 8CPT-cAMP-induced neurite outgrowth. A, schematic structure of RA-RhoGAP and its point mutants. B, effects of RA-RhoGAP and its mutants on the 8CPT-cAMP-induced neurite outgrowth in NG108 cells. NG108 cells were transfected with GFP (Control) or co-transfected with GFP as a morphological marker along with HA-RA-RhoGAP (WT), HA-RA-RhoGAP-PH MT (PH MT), HA-RA-RhoGAP-RA MT (RA MT), or HA-RA-RhoGAP-PH MT-RA MT (PH MT-RA MT), cultured in DMEM supplemented with 1% FBS in the presence or absence of 0.6 mm 8CPT-cAMP for 48 h, and allowed to extend neurites. The transfected cells were identified by the expression of GFP (green), and the expression of HA-RA-RhoGAP was examined by immunostaining with the anti-HA mAb (red). Bars, 50 μm. C, quantitative analysis of the neurite outgrowth of the transfected NG108 cells. Panel a, quantitative analysis of the number of neurites per transfected cell as in Fig. 3C, panel a. Panel b, quantitative analysis of the length of neurite per transfected cell as in Fig. 3C, panel b. Panel c, quantitative analysis of the number of branch tips per transfected cell as in Fig. 3C, panel c. Asterisks indicate statistical significance (Student's t test; *, p < 0.01).