Fig. 3. Monolayers of Srf–/–ES cells activate mesodermal marker genes when ectopically expressing SRF or when treated with RA. (A) Gene expression patterns in ES cells of different Srf genotype, including Srf ‘rescued’ cells. ES lines used were 226-100-2 (Srf–/–rescue; lane 1), 226-100-37 (Srf–/–rescue; lane 2), 226-100-42 (Srf–/–rescue; lane 3), 226-100 (Srf–/–; lane 4) and 226 (Srf–/+; lanes 5 and 6). LIF removal was only done with the cells investigated in lane 6. Analysis was performed as described in the legend to Figure 2A. Lane 7 is a negative RT–PCR control lacking cDNA in the reaction. Of the three Srf–/–rescue ES lines, 226-100-2 expressed the highest levels of SRF (approximately four times the endogenous levels). (B) Expression of differentiation markers in monolayers of ES cells of different Srf genotype upon induction of in vitro differentiation by LIF withdrawal plus simultaneous addition of RA. ES lines used were 226 (Srf–/+; lanes 1–7) and 226-81 (Srf–/–; lanes 8–14). Analysis was performed as described in the legend to Figure 2A.