Fig. 6. α-p43 antibody efficiently co-immunoprecipitates telomerase RNA from nuclear extract. Euplotes aediculatus nuclear extract was subjected to three successive immunodepletion reactions with either α-p43 antibody beads or control beads. After each round of immunodepletion, supernatants were separated from the beads and added to fresh beads. After addition of a 110mer RNA as a recovery control, samples containing equal amounts of input nuclear extract (In, lane 1), the three α-p43 bead fractions (Bound, lanes 2–4) and control bead fractions (Bound, lanes 5–7) as well as the final flowthroughs (F.t.) of the α-p43 beads (lane 8) and control beads (lane 9) were treated with protease, phenol extracted and analyzed by northern blot hybridization with probes specific for the 189 nt E.aediculatus telomerase RNA and the control RNA. Lanes M, uniformly labeled RNAs as size markers.