Figure 5. Adoptive immunotherapy with Mbtps1wrt bmDC eliminates viral persistence.
A) bmDC were cultured from WT and wrt mice. Eight million bmDC were adoptively transferred i.v. into 8–10wk old recipient WT B6 mice. Either 1 hour after, or 2 days prior to infection with 2×106 pfu LCMV Cl13, bmDC were adoptively transfered to recipient B6 mice. Serum was harvested and titered at the indicated times. Mean and SEM from 8 mice/group are shown. B) wrt bmDC have higher levels of MHC molecules (class I and class II) and costimulatory molecules (CD80 and CD86). Flow cytometric analysis of bmDC from WT and wrt mice are shown with Mean and SEM for both % of cells in highly activated gate as well as gMFI for MHC and costimulatory molecules from one of 2 similar independent experiments (N=4). *=P-value<0.05.