Table 2.
Thrombolytic modalities, anticoagulant therapies, and additional therapeutic measures employed in the study population.
Case # |
PMT/ PPMT device* |
PTA used during procedure |
CDTI given post- procedure |
Stent deploy- ment (and site) |
Retrievable IVC filter placement (and successful retrieval?) |
Total # proce- dure days† |
Post-lytic inter- vention AC regimen¶ |
Extended AC Regimen |
Dura- tion of AC (mo) |
1 | ClotBuster (PMT) |
Yes | No | Iliac | Yes (no) |
3 | LMWH | LMWH x 6 mo, then warfarin |
11+ |
2 | ClotBuster (PMT) |
Yes | Yes | Iliac | Yes (yes) |
2 | LMWH | Warfarin | 22 |
3 | AngioJet (PMT) |
Yes | Yes | None | No | 3§ | LMWH | Warfarin | 12 |
4 | AngioJet (PMT) |
Yes | Yes | Iliac | No | 2 | LMWH | Warfarin | 27+ |
5 | AngioJet (PMT) |
No | Yes | None | Yes yes) |
2 | LMWH | Warfarin | 3 |
6 | AngioJet (PMT) |
Yes | No | Iliac | Yes (yes) |
1 | LMWH | Warfarin | 18+ |
7 | AngioJet PPMT) |
Yes | No | None | No | 1§ | LMWH | Warfarin | 2+ |
8 | ClotBuster (PPMT) |
Yes | Yes | Iliac | Yes (no) |
4 | IV DTI | Fonda- parinux x 1 mo, then warfarin |
17 |
9 | ClotBuster (PPMT) |
Yes | Yes | None | No | 2 | LMWH | Warfarin | 26+ |
10 | Trellis (PPMT) |
Yes | Yes | None | Yes (yes) |
2 | LMWH | Warfarin | 14 |
11 | ClotBuster (PMT) |
No | Yes | None | No | 2 | LMWH | LMWH | 6 |
12 | ClotBuster (PMT) |
No | Yes | None | No | 2 | LMWH | Warfarin | 3+ |
13 | ClotBuster (PMT) |
No | Yes | Iliac | No | 3 | LMWH | Warfarin | 4+ |
14 | ClotBuster (PPMT) |
No | No | None | No | 2 | LMWH | Warfarin | 3+ |
15 | ClotBuster (PMT) |
No | Yes | Iliac | No | 2 | IV DTI | Fonda- parinux |
1+ |
16 | Failed (unable to insert guidewire into thrombus) |
No | No | None | No | 1 | LMWH | Warfarin | 2+ |
Abbreviations: AC=anticoagulant; tPA=tissue-type plasminogen activator; LD CIVI=; PMT=percutaneous mechanical thromoblysis (see Methods); PPMT=percutaneous pharmacomechanical thrombolysis (see Methods); CDTI: catheter-directed thrombolytic infusion (using tPA; see Methods); UFH: unfractionated heparin; LMWH: low molecular weight heparin; PTA=percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty; IV DTI=intravenous direct thrombin inhibitor
Systemic tPA given by low-dose (0.03-0.06 mg/kg/hr) continuous intravenous infusion prior to PMT/PPMT in cases #1–3, 6.
During initial hospitalization and within 10d post discharge
Immediate pre-procedural anticoagulation consisted of therapeutic UFH (goal anti-Xa activity = 0.3–0.7 U/mL) in all cases. UFH administration was suspended during PMT/PPMT procedure, except in cases #13 and 15, where UFH was maintained at subtherapeutic dosing of 10–12 U/kg/hr. UFH was maintained at 10 U/kg/h during CDTI, where employed.
Does not include partial 1st rib resection, performed in both cases of Paget-Schroetter syndrome.