Table 1.
Body mass (g), heart mass (mg), and relative heart masses (g kg−1) for normoxic- and hypoxic-incubated (10% O2) alligator embryos
Incubation treatment (N) | Developmental timepoint (%) | Days post-laying | Body mass (g) | Heart mass (mg) | Heart mass (g) kg−1 embryo Mean (SEM) |
Normoxic (6) | 80 | 56–58 | 13.6 (2.1) | 57.9 (7.9) | 4.41 (0.49) |
Hypoxic (6) | 80 | 56–58 | 9.8 (0.4) | 62.0 (6.6) | 6.38 (0.76)a |
Normoxic (5) | 90 | 63–66 | 31.9 (1.6) | 91.8 (1.2) | 2.89 (0.11) |
Hypoxic (5) | 90 | 63–66 | 15.9 (1.5)a | 77.3 (6.8) | 4.91 (0.38)a |
aFor t test results within each developmental timepoint, see Morphological effects of chronic hypoxia (10% O2) in "Results"