Figure 1. An ORF-based functional screen identifies COT and C-RAF kinases as drivers of resistance to B-RAF inhibition.
- Overview of the CCSB/Broad Institute Kinase ORF collection. Kinase classification and number of kinases per classification are noted.
- A375 expressing the CCSB/Broad Institute Kinase ORF collection were assayed for relative viability in 1 µM PLX4720 and normalized to constitutively active MEK1 (MEK1DD). Nine ORFs (orange circles) scored 2 standard deviations (red dashed line, 58.64%) from the mean of all ORFs (green dashed line, 44.26%).
- Indicated ORFs were expressed in 5 B-RAFV600E cell lines and treated with DMSO or 1 µM PLX4720. Viability (relative to DMSO) was quantified after 4 days. Error bars represent standard deviation between replicates (n=6).