(A) CXCL5 is decreased in patients with severe (median 64 pg/ml, range 28.1-390.3) hepatic necroinflammation compared to patients without necroinflammation on liver biopsy (median 126.9, range 58-357.6; p=0.028). (B) CXCL5 plasma concentrations decrease with the degree of hepatic fibrosis/cirrhosis when patients with no (F0, median 256 pg/ml, range 68.4-1330), mild (F1/F2, median 136.2 pg/ml, range 69.3-652.7) or severe fibrosis (F3, median 80.6 pg/ml, range 25.5-390.3) and complete cirrhosis (F4, median 58.7 pg/ml, range 27.2-316.1) were compared. Significant p-values are given.