Figure 2.
Rate-dependent effects of simvastatin on Vmax in PV sleeve preparations. A. Control recording of Vmax recorded at basic cycle lengths (BCLs) of 2000, 1000, 500, 300, and 200 ms in a PV sleeve preparation. B. Effect of simvastatin (10 nM). C. Composite data (n=9) of effects on Vmax expressed in absolute values. D. Effects on Vmax expressed as values normalized to a BCL of 2000 ms. Acceleration from a BCL of 2000 to 300 ms led to a 16.8% decrease of Vmax under control conditions and a 27.5% decrease following addition of simvastatin (p<0.05). A change in BCL from 2000 to 200 ms produced a 33.1% decrease under control conditions and a 54 % decrease upon addition of simvastatin (p<0.05).