Fig. 1. Holo TFIIIC protects A box, B box and terminator regions of the VA1 gene. DNA fragments containing the full-length (–96 to +232) (lanes 1–6) or the terminator region (+101 to +232) (lanes 7–10) of the VA1 gene were labeled at the lower (lanes 1–3) or the upper (lanes 4–10) strand end with 32P. The labeled DNA fragments were incubated with mock immunoprecipitate (2 µl) (lanes 2, 5 and 7) or with 100 (2 µl) (lane 9) or 200 (4 µl) (lanes 3, 6 and 10) fmol of immunopurified holo TFIIIC, or 2 µl (0.2 µg protein) of the purified TFIIIC1′ fraction (lane 8). Lanes 1 and 4 are the Maxam–Gilbert G + A reactions. The protected regions are indicated on the left. The hypersensitive site (+88) is indicated by an arrow.