Cluster analysis of the complete data set obtained for each
positional scanning library. Percent competition data obtained from
gels as shown in Fig. 2B was converted to color
format as described in Experimental Methods. Multiple
cell lines, conditions of stimulation, and labels were used for
analysis in crude cell extracts and are indicated on the right. The
tree structure at the top and left of the diagram was obtained by
hierarchical clustering and indicates the degree of similarity as a
function of the height of the lines connecting profiles. Subunits are
numbered according to the bands labeled in Fig.
2B, and the boxed regions to the far right
indicate groups of high similarity across the series of constant amino
acids. Note the similarity and clustering of the Z and MECL-1 subunit
profiles (subunits 1 and 2). Yellow boxes highlight amino acid residues
at each position that show the greatest degree of selectivity for the Z
and MECL-1 subunits over the X, Y, LMP-2, and LMP-7 subunits. Data from
addition of scanning libraries to purified preparations of 20S
proteasomes using the methods used for analysis in crude extracts are
displayed at the bottom of the clustergrams for comparison.