Library validation and testing of Z-specific inhibitors designed from
scanning data. (A) Competition analysis using single
components selected based on data from the P2 and P3 positional
scanning libraries. Data were obtained by addition of increasing
concentrations of the indicated compounds to NIH 3T3 crude cell
extracts. Intensity of labeled bands was measured for each
concentration and expressed as a ratio to the control, nontreated lane.
Residues for this study were chosen based on their overall activity
against the multiple active sites of the proteasome. These include
strong binding (R, L), weak binding (G, N, D), or positionally
dependent strong binding (Q) amino acids. (B)
Competition analysis as in A for the Z-subunit selective
inhibitors designed based on the optimized residues outlined in Fig. 3.
The non-P1 arginine compound Ac-YRLL-VS also is shown. Note the loss of
selectivity upon conversion of the P1 amino acid to leucine.