Comparison of co-localization of WT and W391A mutant CFP/YFP-CaV2.2 in growth cones. A and B, examples of growth cones from SCG neurons expressing CFP-CaV2.2(WT) (top panels) and either YFP-CaV2.2 (A, bottom) or YFP-CaV2.2(W391A) (B, bottom), injected after 6 h in culture, and imaged 18 h later. ROIs such as those shown here, in the bulb of the growth cone (red cross) and in the lamellipodia (white cross), were used to calculate the data in C and D. Scale bars, 20 μm. C and D, bar chart of the ratio of YFP/CFP fluorescence in a ROI in the ER region (C) or in the lamellipodia region in the extremities of growth cones (D), from data such as those in A and B, for YFP-CaV2.2(WT) (black bars; n = 10) and YFP-CaV2.2(W391A) (white bars; n = 11), expressed together with CFP-CaV2.2. The statistical significance between the two conditions is shown: ***, p < 0.0001, Student's t test. Error bars, S.E.