Fig.3. SOS1/EPS8/ABI1 tri-complex participates in LPA-stimulated cell migration and metastatic colonization.
A. HEY, SK-OV3, IGROV and OVCAR3 cells were transduced with empty vector or retroviral vector containing H-RasT17N or H-RasG12V, then stimulated with 10µM LPA for 5 min and analyzed for Rac activity. B. HEY and SK-OV3 cells were transduced with lentiviral vector containing luciferase (control), Tiam1, SOS1, EPS8 or ABI1 shRNA for 4 days. An aliquot of transduced cells was subjected to immunoblotting to detect Tiam1, SOS1, EPS8 and ABI1 with the respective antibodies (only SK-OV3 cells were shown). Transduced cells were also stimulated with 10µM LPA for 2 or 5 min or infected with retrovirus containing H-RasG12V for 2 days followed by the analysis of Rac activity. C. Transduced SK-OV3 and HEY cells were assayed for LPA or H-RasG12V-induced cell migration. Results are presented as Fold increase of cell migration [(LPA-stimulated cell migration)/(basal cell migration)]. Data are means ± SE. n=3. *, P < 0.001 vs sh-Luc; #, P < 0.005 vs sh-Luc. D. Tranduced SK-OV3 and HEY cells were intraperitoneally injected to nude mice for 5 weeks. Metastatic implants were collected and weighed. Data are means ± SE. n=6. *, P < 0.001 vs sh-Luc.