The implementation of a half-adder. Note that by monitoring the
intermediate excited state (S1) one is able to get an
Exclusive OR (denoted as XOR) gate. This generates the “sum,”
which is a sum of two Boolean variables, modulo 2. In Boolean notation,
the “sum” of A and B equals
AB̄ +
ĀB, where the bar denotes the logical negation.
The forward carry bit is generated only when both laser colors are on
by a ZEKE signal, which is obtained via pulsed-field ionization. Note
that an XOR gate, shown with an additional semicircle, is a universal
gate. The concatenation here is achieved without external fields by
using only the intramolecular dynamics of S1. By adding the
role of the field, one can do more, as shown in Fig. 5. A full adder is
shown in Figs. 6 and 7.