Fig. 11.
Responses to long-duration band-passed noise reveal fine temporal structure in AI and coarse structure in R. Rasters and underlying peristimulus time histograms (10-ms bins) depict the response to 1-s duration band-passed noise at the optimal center frequency and bandwidth of each cell (10-ms rise time; 25 trials of 2-s duration). Each cell was tested with multiple examples of frozen noise to confirm that the structure in each response is stimulus-specific and not an intrinsic property of the cell. In these example responses, spike timing reliability (Rcorr) was 0.78 in AI, and 0.54 in R. B: distributions of Rcorr in AI (■) and R () for pure tones presented at best level (BL, left, n = 229 in AI, 87 in R), and at 60 dB SPL (right, n = 172 in AI, 57 in R) confirm that spike timing reliability is significantly higher in AI at the population level.