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. 2011 Mar 11;88(3):372–381. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2011.01.017

Table 1.

Descriptive Data for Patients with Bipolar Disorder and Controls Following Quality Control

Sample Ancestry N Patients N Controls BD1 (%) BD2 (%) SAB (%) BD-NOS (%) MaD (%) Diagnosis Interview Controls Screened?

Germany I German 682 1300 679 (99.56) 2 (0.29) 1 (0.15) 0 0 DSM-IV SADS-L, SCID no

Replication I

Germany II German 361 755 138 (38.23) 93 (25.76) 130 (36.01) 0 0 DSM-IV SADS-L, SCID no
Poland Polish 411 504 323 (78.59) 88 (21.41) 0 0 0 DSM-IV SCID no
Spain Spanish 297 391 290 (97.64) 7 (2.36) 0 0 0 DSM-IV SADS-L no
Russia Russian 326 329 324 (96.38) 2 (0.61) 0 0 0 DSM-IV SCID no
Romania Romanian 227 221 227 (100) 0 0 0 0 DSM-IV SCID yes
Bosnia and Herzegovina / Serbia Bosnian / Serbian 107 113 107 (100) 0 0 0 0 DSM-IV SCID no

Total 2411 3613 2088 192 131 0 0

Replication II

GAIN-EA / TGEN1 European 2189 1434 2062 (94.20) 0 127 (5.80) 0 0 DSM-III, DSM-IV,
DIGS yes
WTCCC-BD / Exp. Ref. Grp. British 1868 14,311 1594 (85.33) 134 (7.17) 98 (5.25) 38 (2.03) 4 (0.21) RDC SCAN no
Germany III German 497 857 376 (75.65) 88 (17.71) 2 (0.04) 31 (6.24) 0 DSM-IV AMDP, CID-S, SADS-L, SCID yes
France French 471 1758 360 (76.43) 99 (21.02) 0 12 (2.55) 0 DSM-IV DIGS no
Iceland Icelandic 422 11,487 323 (76.54) 72 (17.06) 0 27 (6.40) 0 DSM-III, DSM-IV,
Australia European 380 1530 291 (76.58) 87 (22.89) 1 (0.26) 1 (0.26) 0 DSM-IV DIGS, FIGS, SCID no
Norway Norwegian 203 372 128 (63.05) 65 (32.02) 0 10 (4.93) 0 DSM-IV SCID, PRIME-MD yes

Total 6030 31,749 5134 545 228 119 4

Grand Total 8441 35,362 7222 737 359 119 4

Patients received diagnoses according to the indicated diagnostic criteria and interviews. Protocols and procedures were approved by the local Ethics Committees. Written informed consent was obtained from all patients and controls. Ancestry was assigned to patients and controls on the basis of self-reported ancestry. The samples from Bosnia and Herzegovina / Serbia were merged due to the small number of subjects. The Expanded Reference Group for the WTCCC-BD sample comprised the 1958 British Birth Cohort controls, the UK Blood Services controls supplemented by the other 6 disease sets (coronary artery disease, Crohn's disease, hypertension, rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 and type 2 diabetes) as defined by the WTCCC (2007).1

The following abbreviations are used: AMDP, Association for Methodology and Documentation in Psychiatry;31 BD1, bipolar disorder type 1; BD2, bipolar disorder type 2; BD-NOS, bipolar disorder not otherwise specified; CID-I, Composite International Diagnostic Interview;32,33 CID-S, Composite International Diagnostic Screener;34 DIGS, Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies;35 DSM-III / DSM-IV, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders;9 Exp. Ref. Grp., Expanded Reference Group (11,373 controls);1 FIGS, Family Interview for Genetic Studies;36 GAIN-EA, BD sample with European ancestry from the Genetic Association Information Network (1001 patients and 1033 controls);6 ICD10, International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems;37 MaD, Manic disorder according to RDC; N, number of subjects; PRIME-MD, Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders;38 RDC, Research Diagnostic Criteria;39 SAB, schizoaffective disorder (bipolar type); SADS-L, Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia;40 SCAN, Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry;41 SCID, Structured Clinical Interview for DSM disorders;11 TGEN1, Translational Genomics Research Institute (genotyping wave 1 with 1190 patients and 401 controls).