FIG. 1.
Domestic cat mtDNA control region (modified from Lopez et al., 1996). (a) Physical map of coding genes within the cat cytoplasmic mtDNA. Genes on the inner circle are transcribed from the light (L) strand. Locations of the tRNA genes (shaded boxes) conform to the canonical placental mammalian arrangement and are presented as their standard single letter abbreviations. The following additional abbreviations were used: HSP, putative heavy-strand promoter; OHR, origin of heavy-strand replication; OLR, origin of light-strand replication. (b) The domestic cat CR extends from nucleotide 16,315 to nucleotide 865, producing a 1,559 region. There is a 335-bp overlap of the CR sequence with Numt, which begins at bp 529 within the RS3 and extends to nucleotide 8,454 that includes ~80% of the COII gene. Two distinct repetitive motifs, RS2 and RS3, at opposite ends the CR contribute to the relatively large size of the cat’s mtDNA as compared to other carnivores. These sites are subject to high heteroplasmy. Placement of PCR primers for the three CR studies are noted with arrows.