Figure 10.
Expression of CG5033-related genes. (A) MGC68939 mRNA is detected in animal blastomeres of the16-cell embryo [Side view]. (B) It is expressed throughout the ectoderm of the gastrula, but not in the endoderm [Side view]. (C) Bop-1 is expressed throughout the neural plate, PPE and dorsal epidermis [Antero-lateral view]. (D) MGC68939 is expressed in the anterior neural tube, cranial neural crest, PPE and some placodes (e.g., olf) [Antero-lateral view]. (E) At early tail bud, MGC68939 is expressed in placodes (L, oto), the migrating neural crest, somites and tail bud [Side view]. (F) At late tail bud, Bop-1 is expressed in the brain, retina, placodes (L, oto), branchial arches, somites, nephric mesoderm, tail bud and ventral gut [Side view]. (G) At late tail bud stages, MGC68939 staining is very similar to that of Bop-1, ventral gut staining is not detected until larval stages [Side view]. Transverse sections at forebrain (H), hindbrain (I), rostral spinal (J) and more caudal spinal (K) levels demonstrate neural (fb, r, hb, sc), branchial arch, lens, otocyst, somite, nephric mesoderm and ventral gut expression.