Figure 2. Rescued Foxp3+ T cells fail to protect IL-2−/− Bim−/− and CD25−/− Bim−/− mice from autoimmune disease and are less suppressive in culture.
(A) Survival of the indicated strains was monitored from weaning to 7 wk of age. WT, N=53; IL-2−/− and CD25−/−, N=57; Bim−/−, N=42; IL-2−/− Bim−/− and CD25−/− Bim−/−, N=20. (B) Anti-erythrocyte Ab titers in mice > 3 wk of age. Erythrocytes were stained with anti-IgM or anti-IgG secondary Ab, to detect bound endogenous Ab, and analyzed by flow cytometry. Anti-erythrocyte Ab levels were determined by the mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) of secondary Ab staining. (C) Anemia was tested with hematocrit readings of blood from mice > 4 wk of age. Individual mice and means are shown in (B) and (C). (D) CD25−/− Bim−/− and control mice were bred to express a Foxp3/GFP fusion reporter. Peripheral CD4+ GFP+ (Foxp3+) T cells of each genotype were purified with matching GFP levels by high speed cell sorting. In vitro suppression was compared by titrating the number of Foxp3+ T cells per well in a co-culture assay and measuring the proliferation of naïve CD4+ Foxp3- responder T cells in response to anti-CD3 Ab.
Resp: Foxp3- cells cultured without Tregs. Treg: Foxp3+ cells cultured without responder T cells. Means and SD from 1 of 3 experiments with similar results are shown.