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. 2010 Dec 21;1:149. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2010.00149

Table 1.

Descriptive statistics for demographic variables, clinical characteristics, and general cognitive functioning (estimated from the WAIS-III subtests Similarities and Picture Completion) for patients with MDD, MDDA, and healthy comparison subjects.

MDD (n = 37) MDDA (n = 24) Healthy controls (n = 91)
Age (years) 44.2 12.3 35.5 14.2 35.8 12.0
Education (years) 15.8 3.2 13.5 2.3 16.4 2.5
BDI 21.4 11.1 25.4 7.4 2.1 2.7
BAI 11.6 8.2 18.7 6.7 2.1 2.5
Symptom-GAF 60.2 12.1 53.8 8.5 95.6 7.3
Function-GAF 63.6 13.8 55.2 10.1 96.7 5.6
General cognitive functioning 11.1 2.1 9.3 2.6 12.1 2.4
Age of onset first MDD episode 33.5 14.4 30.1 16.1
n % n % n %
   Male 14 37.8 11 45.8 28 30.7
   Female 23 62.2 13 54.2 63 69.3
   Right 35 94.6 24 100 8 42.1
   Left 1 2.7 0 0 11 57.9
Ambidextrous 1 2.7 0 0 0 0

MDD, current major depressive disorder; BDI, Beck depression inventory; BAI, Beck anxiety inventory; GAF, global assessment of functioning axis-V in Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders – Fourth Edition (DSM-IV).