Figure 7.
Expression patterns of PTTH mRNA in short-day(diapause-destined) and long-day (nondiapause-destined) fourth instar larvae (A), 24 h time course from day 3–10:00 AM to day 4–10: 00 AM in the fourth instar larvae at 3 h intervals (B), pupae (C) and adults (D) evaluated by qPCR. LD and SD indicate long-day and short-day groups respectively. Error bars represent standard deviations of three replicates; 15 individuals were sampled in each replicate. The lower panel in (A) and (B) indicates the corresponding photoperiods used to generate diapausing (short-day, 8 L: 16 D) and nondiapausing (long-day, 16 L: 8 D) adult females. The open and filled boxes represent photophase and scotophase, respectively. Male adults fail to enter diapause regardless of photoperiod and die when the sugar solution is removed, thus only females were monitored during the adult stage. Female adults were sampled from short-day and long-day groups until day 60. Then, day 60 females were transferred to 25°C and long days (16 L: 8 D) for 7 days to break diapause as indicated in (C).