Effect of Smad3 on the transcriptional activities of wtAR, mtAR,
progesterone receptor (PR), VDR, and estrogen receptor (ER).
(A) DU145 cells were transiently cotransfected with 3
μg of reporter plasmids (MMTV-CAT for AR and PR, ERE-CAT for ER, and
VDRE-CAT for VDR), 1 μg of each receptor constructed in pSG5, and 4.5
μg of Smad3 expression vector in the presence of 10−8 M
of each cognate ligand. Each luciferase and CAT activity is presented
relative to the transactivation observed in the absence of Smad3.
(B) 1.5 μg of wtAR was cotransfected with 4.5 μg of
Smad3 or ARA70 in the absence or presence of DHT, E2, or HF at
indicated concentrations. (C) The LNCaP mtARt877a was
used to replace the wtAR to perform the same experiment as in
B. All values represent the mean ± SD of three
independent experiments.