Figure 7. Characterization of LOH events in young sir2Δ cells.
A) Scatter plots of total LOH rates at the MET15 locus in young cells with genotypes as indicated. B) Rates of total LOH events at MET15 in young cells for wild type (UCC5185) and sir2Δ (UCC8836) strains. Rates of reciprocal/non-reciprocal events were significantly different in the sir2Δ strain but not in wild type (Fisher's exact test by contingency tables, p values indicated above columns). C) Rates of total LOH events at MET15 in replicatively aging sir2Δ cultures. Right y-axis: LOH rates at MET15 (open boxes) reported as total LOH events per cell division. Error bars indicate SEM. Left y-axis: Percent viability of mother cells in the aging culture (grey line).