Analysis of the generated strains. A, phenotype of the constructed mutants (*) and previously constructed strains (8) grown for 10 days on defined Fusarium medium. Top left to right bottom, Fg PH-1 wild type, ΔAurT(*), ΔPKS12/ΔaurZ(*), ΔaurS(*), ΔGIP1, ΔaurF, ΔaurZ(*), ΔaurZ/J(*), and ΔaurJ. B–F, verification of genetically modified strains. B, PCR analysis of ΔaurZ. C, PCR analysis of ΔaurS. D, PCR analysis of ΔaurT. E, PCR analysis of ΔaurZ/J. F, Southern blot analysis of hph/tDNA copy number in the selected transformants. Lanes in B–D: lane 1 = hyg588U/L; lane 2 = check for target CDS; lane 3 = check of crossover in left flank; and lane 4 = crossover in right flank. Lanes in E: lane 1 = hph588U/L; lane 2 = aurZ-T1/T2; lane 3 = aurJ-T1/T2; and lanes 4 and 5, similar to 3 and 4 in B–D.