Immunostaining of p-AMPK in normal, AD, and primary tauopathy brains. p-AMPK immunoreactivity in a control individual (a–c), or in AD (d, e), FTDP-17 (f–h), Guam PDC (i, j), tangle-predominant dementia (k, l), CBD (m), PSP (n), AGD (o), and PiD (p–r) patients in different brain regions: Dentate gyrus (a, f, p), CA1 (b, d, g, i, k, o, q), temporal isocortex (c, e, h, j, l, r), basal ganglia (m, n). Arrowheads indicate p-AMPK immunoreactivity in dystrophic neurites surrounding amyloid plaques in AD (d, e). Pick bodies in PiD are strongly immunostained with p-AMPK (p–r). Paraffin sections were counterstained with toluidine blue. Scale bar 50 μm