Fig. 1.
Integrated linkage map based on two F2 populations. Genetically mapped markers are on the right of the linkage groups while physically mapped markers are on the left. Marker names in grey text are framework markers used to merge the two F2 maps. Markers with the prefix ‘LEOH’ were previously developed [Yang et al., 2004 (LEOH1-LEOH51), Francis et al., 2005 (LEOH100-LEOH365)]. Markers with the prefix ‘SL’ were developed based on SNPs or indels (contains the suffix ‘i’) identified by Van Deynze et al. (2007). Markers in parentheses indicate that, although both a SNP and indel were created from the same locus, only one of the markers was mapped. Physically mapped markers are placed relative to the chromosome in their approximate position based on the framework markers. Markers on the far right of chromosome 9 were mapped using segmental substitution lines (Eshed and Zamir, 1995). Vertical lines indicate approximate boundaries of introgressions based on framework markers with the name of the segmental substitution line in vertical text to the left of the line. (Continued on page 6).