Figure 5. Representative EMSAs of nuclear extract derived from U937 cells bound to the rs45454293 region and the rs3850641 region.
(A) EMSA of a 25 bp DNA fragment containing either the rs45454293C (lanes 1-4) or the rs45454293T site (lanes 5-8). Lanes 1 and 5, no extract; lanes 2 and 6, 0.5 µg of extract; lanes 3 and 7, 1 µg of extract; lanes 4 and 8, 2 µg of extract. Arrow denotes the specific DNA-protein complexes associated with the polymorphic sites. (B) Competition experiment demonstrating specific binding to the rs45454293T allele: lanes 1 and 5, without competitors; lanes 2 and 6, rs45454293C and rs45454293T probe, respectively, with a 100-fold excess of rs45454293C probe as competitor; lanes 3 and 7, rs45454293C and rs45454293T probe, respectively, with a 100-fold excess of rs45454293T probe as competitor; lanes 4 and 8, rs45454293C and rs45454293T probe, respectively, with a 100-fold excess of non-specific (X) competitor. (C) EMSA of a 25 bp DNA fragment containing either the rs3850641A (lanes 1–4) or the rs3850641G site (lanes 5-8).