Red1 co-localizes and interacts with Mmi1 in vegetative cells. (A) Red1 foci coincide with Mmi1 dots. Deconvolved images of a strain expressing both Red1-tdTomato and CFP-Mmi1 are shown. Bars, 2 μm. (B) Red1 co-immunoprecipitates with Mmi1. Total cell lysates from strains expressing CFP-Mmi1, Red1-myc, and Red1-myc/CFP-Mmi1 were subjected to immunoprecipitation, followed by western blotting. (C) Red1 and Mmi1 have common target genes. RT–PCR of four DSR-containing genes (mei4+, ssm4+, rec8+, and spo5+) indicates that either a red1 deficiency or a mmi1 mutation (mmi1-619) resulted in increased levels of these meiotic mRNAs. (D) Meiotic mRNAs accumulate in conditional mmi1Δ cells. Total RNA samples from mei4-P527, red1Δmei4-P527, and mmi1Δmei4-P527 cells were subjected to RT–PCR analyses. RT–PCR of mei4+, mcp5+, and SPBPB2B2.03c indicates that red1Δ or mmi1Δ in a mei4-P527 background results in increased levels of these meiotic transcripts. Note that mmi1+ was deleted in the mei4-P527 mutant strain because mei4 deficiency suppresses the severe growth defect caused by mmi1Δ.